Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler

Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler

Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler


Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler is a simple product, designed to cool the working environments of medium and big dimensions with low investments and reduced consumptions.

Thanks to this product the environment temperature is reduced, exchanged and filtered in big quantities.

It can be used in several sectors, industry, tertiary, commercial and farming.

It works on the basis of the air adiabatic saturation process.

The external air is sucked by a ventilator and goes through special cellulose alveolar panels. In this manner the external air gives away part of its heat during the water evaporation process with the consequent drop of the temperature that goes out from the diffuser and cool the environment.

Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler ADVANTAGES

Competitive price
It improves the worker health and the company productivity
It keeps and stabilizes the environmental temperature protecting the perishable goods
The air is exchanged up to 25 times per hour, improving the environmental hygiene and cleaning the air from bad smells, dusts, fumes and heat produced by machineries and production processes
It cools and filters the environmental air
It can be used only the ventilation when it is not so hot
Possibility to control more zones with different temperature
Reduced energy costs
Ecological product, the refrigerant gas used
It can be used also the air extractor outwards